Having any type of roofing work performed on your home soon? Just like any home improvement project, it’s worth it to prepare in advance for the work that is set to commence. And while there’s not a lot that you need to do inside of your home prior to roofing work, it pays to take a few minutes to tend to some exterior matters as well as some intangibles. Here’s a closer look:
Tips for Preparing for a Roof Repair
Clear Your Driveway
When it comes to any type of roofing work, you need to be ready for the possibility of shingles or other debris falling around your home — and certainly, you’ll want to make sure any valuables are either protected in the garage or moved far enough away where they can’t be damaged. In other words, park your cars on the street or pull them into the garage while roofing work is going on.
Make Plans for Pets
If your pets are spooked by loud, frequent noises, then chances are they’re not going to like any type of roofing work that’s being performed on your home. Consider seeing if your pets can spend the days at a friend or relative’s home so they’re not worked up into a frenzy. You might also inquire about taking them to a dog or cat day camp at your local pet store or boarding outlet.
Cover Any Attic Valuables
Though roofing work is performed on the exterior of your home, it’s also important to make sure that anything on the interior is properly safeguarded. Pay close attention to any valuables in the attic, as that’s the area where dust and debris are likely to accumulate most significantly during any roofing work. If you have valuables up there, it could be worth relocating them for the time being or covering them with a tarp.
Beware of Landscaping Damage
Like we said in the section above, things are bound to fall off the roof when work is being performed on it. And while your cars might be the most valuable commodity that you want to safeguard, also be sure that you’re paying attention to any landscaping as well. Consider covering bushes or shrubs that may come into contact with falling debris. We also suggest cutting your grass before work takes place, as this will make debris easier to find and clean up around your property.
Contact Perry Roofing Today
For more information about how to prepare your home for any type of roofing work, contact Perry Roofing today.