While we’ve yet to encounter a roofing problem that’s been welcomed by those that it impacts, commercial roofing issues have the potential to be more far-reaching and overall devastating. Both residential and commercial roofing issues can require significant repairs and even property restoration, but the key difference with commercial roofs is that such issues can also lead to business interruption. Many companies can’t afford to have their operations offline for an extended period of time while repairs are carried out, a fact that underscores the importance of quality roofing work.
Unfortunately, on large commercial roofing projects, mistakes can happen. In this post, we’ll cover some of these common mistakes and what you can do to minimize them. Here’s a look:
3 Tips to Avoid Common Commercial Roofing Mistakes
1. Hire Experienced, Reputable Professionals
This is arguably the most important thing you can do to avoid issues down the road: Hire experienced, reputable professionals. Whether it’s the installation of a new roof or maintenance and repair of an existing one, hiring a firm that will do the work right the first time is key. Reputable commercial roofers are licensed and insured, certified, and back their work with warranties. Above all, they’re professionals that you can trust.
2. Proper Installation of Flashings
Though this falls in line with our first tip of ensuring that you hire a reputable, professional firm, it’s worth discussing certain issues more in-depth. One of the more common issues on commercial roofs is the improper installation of flashings. Flashings help keep water and moisture from entering the property by essentially sealing off the roof in certain areas, such as walls, curbs, and pipe penetrations where it may be more exposed. However, with commercial jobs tending to be larger, it’s easy for roofers to overlook approved details at these areas which leads to leaks. Furthermore, since these areas tend to be the most common sources of leaks, inexperienced roofing contractors or maintenance personnel often use incompatible materials on repairs, which can void warranties and lead to premature aging of the other roofing materials.
3. Schedule Routine Inspections, Maintenance
It’s suggested that you have a commercial roof inspection performed at least twice a year by a reputable contractor. These inspections can help catch small issues before they become big ones and help give property owners and property managers peace of mind that their roof is in good shape and on-track to perform for its expected lifetime. Inspections can also help assess the overall condition of the roof and when it is time to start budgeting to have a new one installed. Commercial roof replacements are big expenses, which makes them even more difficult when they are unexpected or premature.
Contact Perry Roofing Today
For more information on how to avoid some of the most common commercial roofing mistakes, contact Perry Roofing today.